01249 783027

Adventures with Osteopathy
Your Health Matters
Osteopathy for all ages
Muscular Skeletal Problems
Cranial Osteopathy
Pregnancy and Postnatal Osteopathy
Baby, Children and Teenagers clinics
Adventure Sports Therapy
Louise Hull at Adventure Health offers patients unparalleled care and treatment to get you healthy again to live your adventures.
Louise has over 30 years of Osteopathic experience.
Our profession
Osteopaths are highly trained Allied Health Professionals. We are experts in the Muscular Skeletal System the muscles joints and associated tissues of the body.
Osteopaths use a wide variety of gentle hands on techniques that focus on releasing tension improving mobility and optimizing function.
Osteopaths are professionally trained to treat people of all ages from newborn babies to the elderly.
We can help alleviate a broad spectrum of problems from sciatica ,back and neck pain, stiff joints, sciatica, fibromyalgia and headaches to work and sports related injuries and postural problems – including those in pregnancy and childhood.

Osteopathy for your family
Osteopathy for your family
We offer a Children and Baby clinic:
Osteopathy for Pregnancy Babies Children and Teenagers.
Louise has over 30 years experience working with children and young people.
Starting from her work with children at the Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy, then at a Special needs Pre school working alongside Paediatric physiotherapists and Occupational therapists.
She is a Fellow ( having undertaken all the Pathway courses) and teaches Post Graduate level Cranial Osteopathy for the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy (SCCO). The SCCO Institute is one of the largest in the UK with Internationally renown for Osteopaths working in Cranial Osteopathy. https://scco.ac/
Her work with children involves Osteopathic techniques including Cranial Osteopathy and health advice. Liasing with lactation consultants, midwives and health visitors to support the children.
Osteopathy for your family
Cranial Osteopathy for all
We offer a Children and Baby clinic:
Osteopathy for Pregnancy Babies Children and Teenagers.
Louise has over 30 years experience working with children and young people.
Starting from her work with children at the Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy, then at a Special needs Pre school working alongside Paediatric physiotherapists and Occupational therapists.
She is a Fellow ( having undertaken all the Pathway courses) and teaches Post Graduate level Cranial Osteopathy for the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy (SCCO). The SCCO Institute is one of the largest in the UK with Internationally renown for Osteopaths working in Cranial Osteopathy. https://scco.ac/
Her work with children involves Osteopathic techniques including Cranial Osteopathy and health advice. Liasing with lactation consultants, midwives and health visitors to support the children.
The osteopathic management of children of all ages is geared towards prevention.
Our aim is to ensure that every aspect of growth is taking place appropriately, helping to resolve issues as they arise in order to encourage optimum health for a lifetime.
Every parent’s priority is to provide the best environment to support their child’s health as they develop and grow.
Osteopathic practice is safe and effective. Research has shown that people trust their osteopath and are extremely satisfied by their experience of osteopathic care. This provides parents confidence in the level of care their children can expect to receive.
Children’s requirements differ depending on the stage of their development.
As they grow from infants, toddlers, children to teenagers, your osteopath will consider your child’s individual needs, age and stage of development, and adapt their advice and treatment accordingly.

Wide Range of Services
Whether you’re getting your annual check up or are simply looking to have some questions answered, Louise Hull at Adventure Health is your local health care professional.
Please browse through the services we provide, and reach out if you have any questions or concerns at all.
Ageing does not necessarily mean that we will experience discomfort, pain or stiffness. If you do notice changes which are impacting your physical abilities, many people often find that the care and advice from an osteopath can help you manage these allowing you to enjoy the pleasures of life into your later years.
Many people also find it helpful to talk to an osteopath about ways of keeping active, preventing common problems such as falls, or managing conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis.
Although aches and pains may be a common element of ageing, they don’t have to get in the way of any lifestyle. Here are some tips to keep you healthy and active.
150 minutes of exercise per week, in blocks of ten minutes or more (enough to make you warmer and breathe harder, while still being able to have a conversation) can help reduce the risk of circulation problems and falls. This might include activities such as dancing or brisk walking. It can also help to improve your mood and levels of confidence
Make sure you eat a healthy, varied diet
Doing some form of balance exercises twice a week (for example, Tai Chi, yoga or body balance) is also recommended to help reduce the risk of falling, particularly if you are over-65
Try to also include exercises that strengthen your arms, legs and body
The use of trainers or similar footwear can help absorb shocks and take the pressure off knees, hips and spine when walking for longer periods.
Osteopathy for all ages
Muscular Skeletal Problems
Cranial Osteopathy
Pregnancy and Postnatal Osteopathy
Womens Health
Baby, Children and Teenagers clinics
Sports Therapy

What to expect
Osteopathy a friendly hands on approach to muscular skeletal problems
Clinic room
Adventure Health offers a female Osteopath.
Church Cottage has a welcoming clinic room on the side of the property easily accessible from the road.
Off street parking next to the premises and a ramp to the door. This is wheelchair accessible however it is a little steep so you may need help which I can provide.
Bathroom facilities are available for clients.

Making you feel comfortable
Louise is friendly and can give you any information you want about your muscular skeletal or general health.
We follow the most up to date COVID safety guidance.
On arrival you will be asked to wash your hands or hand gel and be given the option to wear your own face mask. This can be provided if you don't have one.
Contact Us
If you want information about how I might help please get in touch or you can book an appointment through online booking from this website.
Please remember to put your phone number on the contact form if you want me to get in touch.
Church Cottage
West Yatton Road
Yatton Keynell
SN14 7BE
01249 783027